Monday 31 May 2010

Flash quiz

the link for my flash project.
I lost the original piece, the one that had videos, was based more on scene-it, and had videos such as flyleaf and paramore. Mostly modern rock, and some songs asking you to identify the artist. Bt anyway, had to redo it as i lost the other one, and this is the best i could do on a short time frame. a song is on thier, couldnt have more than one song this time, couldnt get code right this time, would make whole thing go wierd when moer than one song.

questions are good, gets really hard, my flatmates struggeled to finish it. top score is 18. get that i'll be impressed
So, here is the video walkthrough of my supervillians lair, hopefully you can tell its a sort of nuclear bunker, I used low ceiling and large areas to ensure this look, but has lots of scienctific elements, as I wanted my villian to be as I saw him. I saw him as a man that uses science to create things that harm people and other superheros. His abilities are his intelligance and secrecy. (All superheros or villians are flawed, and not having any real powers but remaining very human is the biggest flaw at all).
I also wanted to make my character flawed ina way that gives him backstory, so I added x-ray pictures up, of himself, to show somthing could be wrong with him, Prehaps he is dieing.

The more backstory, the more interesting the lair becomes. His symbol is of a blue circle with a gasmask on, which is seen dotted around varoius locations and largly behind his desk. This desk overlooks a large time-machine that is surrounded by generators, very advanced science going on. Overall for my first project I am happy, and shall finish it over the summer, With outside walls and all the lighting I wanted orignally, but could not afford the render times due to deadline.

(its too big for blogger, so here it is on youtube)