Friday 30 November 2012

Sheepishly Good Luck

A short I'm making for summer2013.. "sheepishly good luck" might enter it for like D&AD etc.. havnt decided yet. still in the modelling and texture stages. Keep your eyes open...

Football kick-ups.. animation..

Just testing my ball controls in animation.. this was weird interacting with an inanimate object.. (lol  insert "In Bruges" reference here to a fuckin' inanimate object). The ball had to have the right weight and 'boucyness'.. the key-framing is a  bit all over the place.. I feel that motion capture is built for this kind of animation.

The animation is about 80% done so be patient, just the arms to do.. the arms i think will help add weight as he will look more balanced. Again just waiting on some software/license issues.(to composit)

Just What I've been working on lately (post for A.W)

Two images showing hair dynamics working>> I will composite the video together when I get my premier/after effects working again.. this is all so I can re-enter the DAFF 2013 competition again this year and hopefully win this time.. still happy with third place though..