Friday 30 October 2009

One Shot Short

This is our one shot short, in the group was me, Harvey, Ant, Lars and Sketch. Me and Ant are in the film, Sketch was cameraman, Lars was the Prisoner and Harvey Director and general Organiser, we all contributed to idea's and we all had a certain style I feel that we all came very close to what we where trying to achieve.
We were given rules to our film, the camera must remain on the tripod, and it must be all one shot, and short 1-5 minutes. We struggled with neither of these rules, but only a way of making it new, interesting and experimental to capture the frame of mind and vision of direction we wanted to achieve, the best way we thought to do this was in first person perspective/or P.O.V
We found a great venue to shoot at courtesy of the Nottingham Galleries of Justice Museum, we wanted a dark, 19th century courtroom drama feel, so although we took lights just in case, they where not used; but take a look at the film, please try to understand the vision of perspective we where trying to achieve- all actions and directions were chosen and thought about carefully, it is experimental so bear with us, one shot is nobodies preferred cinematographic* choice *(yes that's a word)
- The File is over 200MB so i doubt it'll let me upload, if not I'll also try to put it on YouTube. (to all lecturers I'll try to put it in the drop-box on NOW too)

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