Wednesday 17 November 2010

Client Liaison

Getting a bit of practice in for my 'career' -god that word scares me.

Using 3ds max and a few new techniques I've learnt over the past 2 weeks I've made a mini football pitch (well a goal and lines) for a new flood-lit soccer school opening in Kingstanding, Birmingham. Getting paid was the best part of this gig. Made me feel like a professional. and the words such as 'breathtaking' where used by the senior coach I spoke to when he saw the first draft.

Ohh yeah I already knew it would take a few drafts and communication between me and the coaches who commissioned this to get it right and the way they want it; but it was great seeing it and learning from it. I found it's always better to do just a little more than what they ask for every time and only stop when they've either think you've lost it or found perfection and ask you to dial it down a tad.
Other than that. Am pleased with myself.. work maybe could have been better I think; but as this will only be put through letter boxes throughout eastern Birmingham and mostly ignored it did not need to be the Mona Lisa..

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